Monday, February 10, 2014

Software craftsmanship

The term of software craftsmanship is quite new among the software development language. First references abut this concept arose more than 20 years ago (1992), when Jack W. Reeves suggested in one of his essays that software development "is more a craft than an engineering discipline". However, the first serious steps of this movement began in the late 90's.

Nowadays, the definition of software craftsmanship is not clear yet, mainly because it is an abstract term, and each person who tries to give the definition, does it using different approaches. In my opinion, that is the main reason why today we do not have a widely recognized definition.

I will not try to set a definition, I will just talk briefly about this term. In my opinion, software craftsmanship is a trend, a movement that considers the work made by developers an art. It claims the need to be proud about the developer's skills to write code from scratch, creating something that may change the world in some way. It also leads to consider all the features of the software development itself, such as professionalism, responsibility, constant improvement, precision, capacity of learn new things every day, the quality of the developed software, etc.

Software craftsmanship is, in my opinion, a crucial part to understand what software development really means. We should take into account that not all the things related to the word 'craftsmanship' must be tangibles. The more developers follow this movement, the better software will be developed in the future. And what is more important, they will be proud of the product that they create, boosting towards more motivated developers.

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