Monday, February 24, 2014

Ruby on Rails first steps

As I told in my last post, I am a rookie in Ruby on Rails. Following my teammates recommendations, I started the Rails for Zombies tutorial. After few seconds watching the first video, it suggest to do the Try Ruby tutorial before continuing if you do not have enough skills on Ruby programming language. This was my case (in fact, I had never used it before), so I actually began doing that tutorial.

Once finished the Rails for Zombies tutorial, I obviously have a more clear idea about how this framework works. The First levels are easy in general, however, last levels are quite messy because of many new concepts arise, and it is difficult to memorize all this new stuff. In any case, the tutorial itself is really helpful in order to take your first steps in Ruby on Rails.

I found the RoR (common abbreviation for Ruby on Rails) directory system particularly difficult to catch up. Despite the tutorial emphasizes several times on the folders and files structure, it is really hard to remember all the locations. Additionally, this structure is fairly different from other languages, but it seems like all this mess will make sense when you improve your RoR skills.

In the meantime, I discovered a website with the RoR directory structure, as well as a brief description of each directory. It has been very helpful for me. On the other hand, I found the following animated graphic that shows one of the main features of RoR: the Model-View-Controller (MVC).

Model-View-Controller Architecture (

Honestly, I do not expect to become a RoR expert by doing this project, mainly because there are only eleven weeks left to turn in Demigod to our client. Anyway, I hope to gain enough skills in this new (for me) programming language, at least to be able to implement simple developments from scratch and have a wider vision of what kind of things I could do by using RoR.


  1. The article provided by you is very nice and it is very helpful to know the more information.keep update with your blogs .I found a article related to you..once you can check it out ruby on rails online training India
