Friday, February 28, 2014

Second client meeting reactions

Our second client meeting took place last Wednesday with Nikan. In the first part of meeting, we had to report what we had been doing since the first meeting. Each member of the team told Nikan the tasks we accomplished last days. In my case, I spent most of the time learning how to use Ruby on Rails by reading and watching some helpful tutorials. Additionally, I added some possible challenges to our "brainstorm" list, as well as prepare part of the user story second version (required by our client due to this meeting).

Next part of the meeting was to review the new version of our user story. Nikan asked several questions, especially focused on details about functionality, usability, as well as design, buttons, information displayed, screens, distribution, etc. She also asked about a global timeline for all the team members, but we only had a tentative timeline, and probably not as detailed as she wanted. For this reason, Nikan suggested to bring a new version for the next meeting.
Finally, we review the team member's tasks for the next week. I was assigned to develop the user's profile screen, and the challenge selection page, which also includes a module with the current challenge. As Natalie and I are novice in Ruby on Rails, the team decided that we work together in order to help each other, which will be definitely very helpful for both of us. Therefore, we started working on Wednesday afternoon...

Personal remarks:

- Despite our client did not ask about a story board, I think we did a great job by building one using a whiteboard. But we made a mistake because we only brought to the client meeting a picture of the story board that we displayed on a smartphone (it seemed not as serious as our client would expect) . We should have copied it, using any software, and turning in a hard copy to Nikan.

- Regarding the user story, I noticed Nikan wanted to be sure that what we were talking about would be exactly what she will have at the end of the project. The user story we turned in was quite detailed and completed, but in my opinion, we probably should have added parts of the story board to give a "graphical approach" to all the process we commented on the user story.

- We need to build a full time line for the whole project, describing the weekly tasks for each team member. I believe that the quickest way to create such a complete timeline should be to use a free software, ProjectLibre for instance. I used it on my Carpooling 505 project proposal, and it is very easy. Anyway, the idea in terms of the timeline is to focus on the application's functionality and then, once all works fine, move to the design and testing tasks.

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