Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sixth client meeting reactions

We are already more than half of the project, and last Wednesday we had our sixth client meeting, this time with Nikan. Since we arranged in class, in the rest of the meetings, our client will alternate between Nikan and Professor Ackley.

We started the meeting showing a new demo to Nikan. It included some features that we had already presented to Ackley in the last meeting, as well as new improvements in which  we were working the last week. More specifically, the demo contained the following features:
  • Facebook login. Users will be able to sign in using either their Facebook credentials or their Demigod account (assuming they have signed up previously).
  • Challenge simulation: Progress bar with check-ins per week constraint and 20 seconds per day simulation.
  • Share on Facebook once the user success a challenge.
  • Access to the online version through a purchased domain name.
  • Drop-down menu labeled with the username. It is located on the top bar (top-right), and includes the following buttons: "Logout",  "Edit account" and "My challenges".
  • Home page layout Beta design (We are currently working on the home page design and logo, so we actually showed just a Beta version with the color pattern chosen, font families and sizes, etc.).
  • Home page demo (functionality)
  • "My Challenges". New page where the users will be able to check their created challenges organized by category. Additionally, each row of the table displays the name, description and number of points of each challenge. This page is currently under construction, because we planned to display a random selection of 10 challenges for each category (physical, nutritional and intellectual) in order to avoid scrolling and low resolution issues. But there will be available a "View all" button to get the full list.
  • Create a new challenge (showed in the previous meeting): Users can create their own challenges. They will have to add the name, description, number of check-ins per week, number of weeks (duration), stats affected (nowadays we have a provisional list of 6 dimensions, but we are going to review it), and finally the category. A 20 points score will be assigned automatically to the new user's challenges, and only the administrators will be able to select the number of points for any challenge. 
  • Challenge completion: Once a challenge is completed, the stats indicators in the profile page are updated by adding an extra level to the affected stats. Thus, there is no way to increase more than one level per statistic when you success a challenge.
Client reactions:
  • Nikan suggested using little progress bars instead of counters to display the stats.
  • Share challenge points on Facebook? 
  • Nikan also had the opportunity to try the demo. She noticed that there was a bug in the new drop-down menu , because it did not work properly in some point when refreshing the page (we need to find a workaround for this weird bug).
  • Home page looked "proffessional", but the profile page needs more design. We have to implement the layout: clean design, as few words as possible, clean text, smart buttons, unifying styles.
  • Add the avatar picture to Facebook sharing posts?
  • She liked our demo, because it included all the functions we had on our timeline so far.
  • Marketing should be an important part of our project.
  • "Demigod is a very good application and the demo was right".
Next action: Basically three tasks:
  • Improve performance (Matt S.)
  • UX (Matt F.)
  • Design (Fernando, Natalie & Matt F.)

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