Saturday, April 12, 2014

Seventh client meeting reactions

Last Wednesday, our team had the seventh client meeting with Professor Ackley. As we were working on the practice pitch, this week we were not able to do as many improvements as we desired. Ackley asked us about the performance of the website, and Matt S. answered that we made some minor improvements and there are not important issues so far in terms of performance. Then, we started the meeting showing a demo with the last features by request of Ackley, who wanted to see a kind of "tour" through the Demigod's website.

Demo and client reactions:

- Homepage (Ackley asked about the reason for include a Greek soldier silhouette)
- Mobile version (especially the auto-resize feature that adapts the resolution to any device. It was one of the things Ackley liked the most)
- Signing up (Facebook and "standard" way)
- Profile page (stats, bars, levels, etc.). Ackley suggested making the levels more colorful and create challenges related to the website functionality, such as complete your first challenge or upload a new avatar picture (I believe this was a great idea!)
 - Challenges page (random list of ten challenges by category. It includes a "View all" button to show the full challenge list). Ackley told us that we could show the most taken challenges instead of a random list (I agree). He also suggested adding a description of the challenge in the progress bar (like a reminder). This page needs more design.
- Share on Facebook (successful challenges and current progress)
- Check-in (it included the confirmation popup when you check-in). Ackley proposed adding on the confirmation popup the number of check-ins you have already done (Good idea as well).
- Failed check-ins (how it works). Ackley asked us several things:

  • What was the relation between check-ins and weeks? and 
  • Can a user check-in more than once a day? (this is not allowed, because the website has been designed to accept a maximum of one check-in a day) 
  • Is there something that tells users when they success a full week? Now, once the users complete all the check-ins of the current week,  they basically can not check-in again until the next week. It should be interesting to show a message like "You have already completed your X check-ins this week. Come back the next week!" (totally agree)

- Regarding the stats, Ackley recommended keeping Altruism and Diet, and get rid of Dexterity and Willpower.
- He also suggested looking for test users shortly (friends, family, etc.), because we have to get some feedback.

Next action:

- Challenges page design
- Profile page design and stats  progress bars functionality
- First user tests (by the next two weeks)

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