Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Midterm self-evaluation: areas for improvement

Despite we did not have to post our midterm self-evaluation, I would like to write some lines about one of the most interesting parts of this assignment. I have never in my life done a self-evaluation for an University course, but after writing the document, I feel like it could be very helpful for both the professor and the student, because you have to go through over all your achievements, homework, assignments, things you did better or worse, etc. For this reason, I believe that the outcome is an evaluation that you can use to realize what were your strongest points, as well as your weakness, in other words, areas that need improvement.

Regarding these areas, in my case I will need to improve the following ones:

- Speaking: This is my main challenge for the rest of the semester. As an exchange student, I often have problems to understand the discussions in class as well as with my project team, but I will try to improve and put more attention. Moreover, I believe that one of the mistakes of my proposal was related to my pitch, especially in the questions time. I actually did not feel confident when I tried to give a proper answer to my classmate's questions, and this was definitely reflected to the audience in a lack of believability. From my point of view, I lost a lot of points on this part of my pitch.

- Participation: This is mostly related to the previous area. Honestly, I did not participate as frequently as I would like, but I will try to do it by increasing my participation in both meetings (client and team) and class discussions, giving my point of view every time I have the chance.

- Coding skills: I acknowledge that I do not have strong skills in programming (in general). Additionally, I had to learn new languages in order to face the Demigod project. In the mean time, I am glad with the team decision of using Ruby on Rails, but it also implies using other languages such as jQuery, Haml, CSS, etc. A lot of new things to learn in such a short time, that is the problem. Nowadays, I am doing a great effort to understand how they work, but it is not easy for me. Anyway, I am attempting to contribute to my project as much as I can, but I have to improve my skills on these programming languages.

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