Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The die is cast

The day before the final presentation, we have met again at the Centennial Engineering Center conference room. We wanted to practice one more time the presentation, including the pitch and the demo. This time, we had the slides with all the modifications that Ackley suggested us last Friday.

As we agreed last Sunday, Matt S. will start the pitch, and then, he will pass the baton to Matt F., who will go through the demo. Finally, Matt S. will close the presentation with some conclusions. Therefore, we walked through our pitch&demo three times, and now, I am pretty sure that we are ready to the final presentation.

However, we decided to make some minor changes on both the slides and the pitch. Regarding to the slides, we changed the size of the icons and text on the Maintenance slide,  because they were too small, and it was hard to read the titles. On the other hand, we moved the part of the pitch in which Matt S. explained why to cheat when using Demigod does not make sense, "because you are actually hurting yourself". Initially, we had this part in the end, but we decided to move it to the Demigod Users slide, because it seemed a better moment to talk about the honor system.

Additionally, we included a QR code in the handout which redirects users to the website (www.demigod.me) if they read it with a smartphone. We are planning to print out about 50 copies of the handout. It should be enough for the audience we expect on the Project Showcase event.

The die is cast, in just a couple of hours we will have presented our project. Which project will be the winner?

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